Enlightened for Life Work Health and Safety- Policy and Procedures
The health and safety of people working with Enlightened for Life is considered to be of utmost importance. Enlightened for Life is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for its partners and clients.
- “Work Health and Safety Act 2012”
- Safework SA
For assistance visit safework.sa.gov.au/freeadvice or call 1300 365 255
Business Resposability
This policy shows our commitment to:
- our co-creators’ health and safety
- removing or reducing risks to the health and safety of all co-creators to our work space and anyone else who may be affected by our operations
- ensuring all work activities are done safely
- a collaborative approach to identify and solve health and safety issues with our partners and clients
- continuously improving work health and safety by addressing hazards and reviewing outcomes.
Partners and Clients resposability
The cooperation and involvement of all people is required to achieve the health and safety objectives and procedures contained in this policy.
Our partners must:
- take reasonable care for their own health and safety, and ensure that their acts or omissions do not adversely affect the health and safety of others in the workplace
- follow reasonable instructions given by E.L to protect their health and safety
- identify and report any work space incidents or hazards to the person in charge
- not wilfully interfere with or misuse items or facilities provided.
Our clients must:
- not put themselves or any other person at the work space at risk
- comply with our safety policy and procedures.
As the Person Conducting a Business or Undertaking, we must:
- ensure our responsibilities under the Work Health and Safety Act 2012 (SA) and Work Health and Safety Regulations 2012 (SA) are met
- take reasonable steps to provide and maintain a safe working environment, plant and substances in a safe condition, and facilities for the welfare of all partners and clients
- provide ways for partners to be informed about and involved in health and safety issues at work
- provide information, instruction, training and supervision needed to make sure that all partners are safe from injury and risks to their health and safety
- conduct regular work space inspections
- ensure this policy and all safe work procedures are kept up-to-date.
ENLIGHTENED FOR LIFE is responsible for the implementation and monitoring of this policy. In fulfilling the objectives of this policy, the ENLIGHTENED FOR LIFE CEO is committed to regular consultation with partners and legislation to ensure that the policy operates effectively, and it is up-to-date legal aspects of health and safety.
Upon the completion of an event and workshop the ENLIGHTENED FOR LIFE organiser will inspect the work space to ensure that the area is left free from hazards and presents no risk of injury to any person. Consultation with co-creators shall contain work health and safety as an agenda item in which the ENLIGHTENED FOR LIFE can provide information on general changes to the work space and partners can raise any concerns at this stage.
As a small team, the responsibilities of a Work Health and Safety Representatives can be shared as appropriate. It is also anticipated that any disputes should be resolved quickly amongst the team without the need for any formal intervention.
The representative’s responsibilities include:
- inspecting the work space before the commencing and after the end of an event and workshop. or immediately in the event of any accident, hazardous situation, dangerous occurrence or immediate risk to the health and safety of any person:
Check List
- collection of information to identify potential hazards
- analysis of potential risks
- prevention of future accidents through risk control
- safe use of double adaptors/ power boards
- power points and switches are securely fixed to the wall
- cracked and broken things must be cleaned and reported
In case of fire, explosion or another emergency. People must be evacuated in a calm and collected format.
Health First Aid Policy
The policy of ENLIGHTENED FOR LIFE in respect to first aid is as follows:
- All use of first Aid items on the kit must be reported and the accident form bellow
- in case of an emergency, staff are to contact 000 for an ambulance.