Hello to anyone who wants to know. I would like to honor the new system I have integrated, here. As some of you may have seen I have taken a break from social media and deleted over 1.5million views worth of videos and over 100 popular photos. I left over 22k followers and subscribers and for that I had a very intense ego death. It was years of work just completely gone.
I was purging the new collective program like crazy and kept having to make peace with death of so many layers of myself.
While, I didn’t existed on the social platform, I was working my karma with powerful triggers with my high soul family in exclusive grids.
Some of them would last for days and bring massive explosions of pain bodies that were extremely uncomfortable and confronting.
I had days where my guides materialized in levels so close to physical, I was literally expanded to see this life and platform from a completely different prospective.
I then had my guides go completed quiet as a new feminine guidance was becoming predominate. Yet in April and May my masculine identities struggle and my attachment to old programs made me feel like I was done with trying and that was the perfect pressure for a very deep surrender.
Just like my death 5 years ago, I gave up to my heart and a deep connection with who I truly am. However, 5 years ago in my death I was Fasting and meditating for days/nights for the entire 6months before I had a heart attack and went through the tunnel 12 times.
Meanwhile, this time I was in shadow work and compulsive eating for several months. The physical deaths of this process were so intense as I would go to heart palpitations and pains that I couldn’t have ever imagined it existed.
Yet, one micro to macro death after the other, my heart would open and the level of love I became, would give so much life into the new 10 system of my soul identity. Akire is my soul identity.
The presence of my source channel expanded beyond my wildest dreams and when I move a karmic charge, I go through bliss that is so stable and grounded.
So much have changed and my sense of trust is in true wisdom, which means that is grounded on the deep code of my physical body.
Akire stand in pure translation of Erika as that part of me channels the feminine field through the masculine program of language through the mirroring of my energetic character mission. My character mission than connects with my karmic contracts for chemical reactions through the pain bodies that allows deeper shifts within the psychic of the identities with the direct karmic charge, which gives a powerful depth to healing and soul integration.
This movement is still new to me, but as my awareness goes from Akire to Erika and Erika to Akire, I feel a massive love and sense of true value within the universe.
I know that this is still very new and consequently the words are not yet fully integrated but as people passes through their on limitations into the expanded versions of themselves they will read absolutely powerful soul activation through this text.
The confusion that you might feel on the reading is a powerful shaking of your current system of neuron pathways to move into a new prospective. So contemplate the feeling you might have with some of this powerful subtle activations. The most amazing one is that there is a possibility of incredible bliss and love inside of you that can guide your life and playing karma will be more on the integrative levels, instead of looping around finding the same pain on the next co-creator.
Bless you and thank you for connecting with me through reading this content.
You are loved