Emotions – Polita & Apoidea

Emotions — Polita & Apoidea Unusual Bond is a sweet first introduction to the mini- world of these giant powerful creatures.

Nature is an extraordinary teacher!

Bees (Apoidea) and Caterpillars (Polita) are truly masters of collaboration, service for the good of all and transformation.

This beautiful book invites your little ones to embrace an empowering and compassionate picture of the world. This is the first book in the Polita and Apoidea collection and it will touch yours and your children’s heart and soul.

Plus, this series will present them with important wisdom on nature’s ways, their emotions, thoughts, co-creation with others, also how to deal with life — it’s challenges and gifts.

The book in itself was illustrated and written in the state of love. The intention is to serve the development of character in the early stages, planting the seed of compassion, patience, and heart connection.

The co-authors of this book, Erika (writer) and Edna (illustrator) wish you all a beautiful life. May all your needs be met.

May you grow with every interaction and your soul fulfill its purpose on Earth.

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This co-creation with you is a blessing and we are so honored. It is our intention to keep our connection as direct and as authentic to you from our hearts as possible. So as you purchase this book you will receive all the beautiful energy of our life mission straight from us.

This book is also an homage to the divine expression of mother earth. May all aspects of creation, publishing, and distribution be a blessing to all beings involved. May your co-creation with this book serve you and your children’s highest good.

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