Latest Past Events

Self-energetic Exploration-EL Garden with silence and no interaction

Adelaide Enlightened For Life Garden Retreat Seacombe Gardens

Welcome to a new system for Enlightened for life and Erika/Akire. This month of May is the month of my death experience 7 years ago, and I am being called to spend 5 hours in the garden on Mondays (moon days) and have that open for others to join me. It started with the perception […]

Self-Energetic Exploration – EL Garden with the elements – Fire Temple

Welcome to this new offer, this is a Sauna Day at the Fire temple. I will turn the fire temple at 10am and from that time you can come and spend time inside the temple. The temple has a very specific energy, and it really allows a very deep exploration of fears and the subconscious […]

Self- Energetic Exploration – EL Garden with Music and chosen interaction

Hello and welcome a new energetic system within Enlightened for Life. This is a space of 4 hours from 4-8pm of self-exploration through a mix playlist of music that might represent deep programs within yourself. This system invites interaction, and we suggest for you to look for an experience that is 100% agreed by both […]